Fabric Testing 面料测试
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Fabric Testing
  1. 物理性能

布重测试 Fabric weight
  尺寸稳定性 Dimensional Stability
  外观测试 Smoothness Appearance
  缝线滑移测试 Fabric slippage , Seam slippage
  缝线强力测试 Seam strength
  撕破强力 Tear Strength
  拉伸强力 Tensile /breaking strength
  弹性 Stretch Properties
  回复率 Recovery
  残余伸长率 Growth
  (线圈)密度(针织类) (Stitch) Density
  (经纬)密度(梭织类) Threads per unit length
  布幅测试 Fabric width
  纱线支数 Yarn count /yarn number/yarn size
  耐磨性 Abrasion Resistance(Resistance to Abrasion)
  鼓爆强力测试 Bursting strength
  弓纬 Bow
  纬斜 Skewness
  转曲测试 Spirality/Torque/Twisting
  洗后扭曲 Distortion after washing
  纱线捻度 twist
  起毛起球 Pilling Resistance
  轻质梭织布的易烫性测试 Easy to Iron
  回潮率 Moisture Content

2. 色牢度

非氯漂色牢度测试 Color fastness to Non-Chlorine Bleach
  氧化漂白损伤牢度测试 Color fastness to Oxidative Bleach
  水洗牢度测试 Color fastness to Washing/accelerated washing
  家庭水洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Home /actual /Domestic Laundering
  汗渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Perspiration
  水渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Water
  摩擦牢度测试 Color fastness to Crocking/Rubbing
  干洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Dry Cleaning
  氯漂色牢度测试 Color fastness to Chlorine Bleach
  氯水色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorinated water
  氯敏色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorine Sensitivity
  干热色牢度测试 Color fastness to Heatry(Excluding Pressing)
  热压烫色牢度测试 Color fastness to Heat:Hot Pressing
  耐汗渍日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light and Perspiration
  日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light
  渗色(bleeding)测试 Bleeding
  酸碱色牢度测试 Color fastness to Acids and Alkaline
  臭氧色牢度 Color fastness to Ozone
  活性染料的水解测试 Color fastness to Hydrolysis of Reactive Dyes
  海水色牢度 Color fastness to Sea Water
  泳池水色牢度 Color fastness to Pool Water

3. 化学性能

织物变黄测试 Yellowing

  纤维定性分析 Fiber Analysisualitative
  纤维含量定量分析 Fiber Analysisuantitative
  甲醛含量(释放) Released Formaldehyde content
  甲醛含量(游离) Free Formaldehyde Content
  可燃性 Flammability
  PH值 pH Value/Level
  异味 Strange Smell
  白度 Whiteness

4. 功能整理后性能

拒水(喷淋) Water Repellency/ Water %26amp;Alcohol Repellency
  拒油 Oil Repellencey
  防水(雨淋) Water Resistance
  易去污性 Soil Release
  折皱恢复 Wrinkle Recovery
  毛效性/爬湿性 Wicking
  蒸发率的测试 Evaporation
  吸水性 Absorbency
  成衣测试 Garment test

5. 描述    
  烘干 Tumble Dry
  挂干 Line Dry

铺干 Flat Dry

滴干 Drip Dry

颜色变化 Color change

沾色 Staining

自沾色 Self staining

颜色变化评级 color change evaluation

沾色评级 color staining evaluation

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